I selected the specimens from over seven million in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, Florida with the guidance of the scientist/curators there. I then transported them to the New York Polaroid 20x24 Studio, where I photographed them and transferred their images to paper. I chose these tiny insects because I was amazed by their exquisite form and wanted to honor these details, impossible to see without magnification.

Original 20 x 24"  Polaroid Transfers on 30 x 22" Fabriano Sheets
17 x 11 Archival Pigment Prints


Actias luna
(Luna Moth), 2001

Eumorpha fasciatus
(Hawk Moth), 2001

Antheraea polyphemus
(Polyphemus Moth), 2001

Agrius cingulata
(Hawk Moth), 2001

Tomatares citrinus
(Citrone Antlion), 2001

Eumorpha pandorus
(Pandorus Hawk Moth), 2001

Thysania agrippina
(Agrippina Moth), 2001

Libelloides vhomboideus
(Owl Fly), 2001

Nemoptera bipennis
(Ribbon Tail Fly), 2001

Stilpnochlora couloniana
(Giant Catydid), 2001

Pyrrhocoridae, 2001

Tibicen lyricen
(Cicada), 2001

Plinthocoeleum suaveolens plicatum, 2001

Grammia virgo
(Virgo Moth), 2001

Calosoma scrutator
(Fiery Searcher), 2001

Hemaris thysbe
(Hummingbird Sphinx Moth), 2001

Mallophora bomboides
(Florida Bee Killer), 2001

Automeris orneates 
(Tropical Io Moth), 2001

Libellula vibrans
(Great Blue Skimmer), 2001

Chrysiridia ripheus
(Sunset Moth), dorsal view, 2001

Chrysiridia ripheus
(Sunset Moth), ventral view, 2001

Urania amphiclus
(Swallowtail Moth), 2001

Diastocera wallichi
(Tufted Longhorn Beetle), 2001

Papilio paris
(Paris Swallowtail), 2001

Papilio glaucus
(Eastern Tiger Swallowtail), 2001

Sphex habenus
(Golden Thread-Waisted Wasp), 2001

Homidiana subpicta
(Walker’s Swallowtail Moth), 2001

Syntomeida epilais
(Oleander Moth), 2002

Idea leuconoe
(Tree Nymph, Paper Kite), 2001

Cosmosoma myrodora
(Scarlet Wasp Moth), 2002

Trogonoptera brookiana
(Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing), 2001

Dasymutilla occidentalis
(Velvet Ant), 2001

Ornithoptera tithonus
(Tithon Birdwing), 2001

Nemoptera sinuata
(Thread-winged Antlion), 2001

Penthicodes variegata
(Coat-of-Many-Colors Bug), 2002

Calopteryx maculata
(Ebony Jewelwing), 2001

Chrysina macropos
(Giant Green Scarab), 2002

Eupholus bennetti
(Aqua New Guinean Weevil), 2002

Dicranocephalus wallichi
(Antler Horned Beetle), 2002

Acrocinius longimanus
(Harlequin Beetle), 2001

Eriotremex formosanus
(Golden Horntail Wasp), 2001

Pyrops pyrorhyncha
(Fire Snouted Planthopper), 2002

Cithaerias pyropina
(Pyropine Ghost Satyr), 2002

Graellsia isabellae
(Spanish Moon Moth), 2002

Eumorpha labruscae
(Gaudy Sphinx Moth), 2002

Salvazana mirabilis
(Mirabilis Cicada), 2002

Citheronia splendens
(Sonoran Regal Moth), 2002

Creoleon diana
(Diana Antlion), 2002

Callosamia promethea
(Promethea Moth), 2002

Calopteryx dimidiata
(Sparkling Jewelwing), 2002

Chrysochroa sp.
(Jewel Wood-boring Beetle), 2002

Goliathus albosignatus
(Goliath Beetle), 2002

Hagenomyia tristis
(Striped Antlion), 2002

Nemoptera coa
(Grecian Streamertail), 2002

Pamexis karoo
(Great Karoo Antlion), 2002

Libelloides sibericus
(Siberian Owlfly), 2002

Tmesibasis sp.
(Saw-tailed Owlfly), 2002

Erythemis simplicicollis
(Eastern Pondhawk), 2002

Antheraea yamamai
(Yamamai's Giant Silk Moth), 2002

Hyalophora cecropia
(Cecropia Moth), 2002

Attacus atlas
(Atlas Moth), 2002